God Knows

questionsjGod Knows everything; He knows about you… just has He knows all about me; and If your connected with His source of wanting to Know; they you’ll Know as I Know and Understand were God is coming from….He Knows all.

English: the first of the Epistles to the Colo...

English: the first of the Epistles to the Colossians (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Colossians 1:16 clearly states; For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible,…everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.

The Purpose Driven Life book cover

The Purpose Driven Life book cover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It was made clear to me in the first chapter; not just in first chapter but it stared top of the page  chapter 1; in Rick Warren‘s The Purpose Driven Life. This was so profound and shined a new light exposing Purpose in my Life…I have been a Christen child of God in the sea of haphazard running without a ruder or compass just drifting  until I stumble upon this book up that opened my Life and now with direction and Purpose I’m now sailing into what wants me to be…Just have your way oh God.

The words in Colossians 1:16, shifted a change in me that has effected my life; by letting go and let God have its way because he knows everything and everything got started with him; God Knows.

Take day for example, I’m Hair Stylist/Barber and at the end of the day making plans for hustle class; on the Boulevard & Woodward; and also I wanted to Blog way into the midnight hour…now keep in mind last night after the Patriot Day of Observance keeping in membrane of 9/11…the day tower were hit..this is the 2nd of its kind; here at Piquette psquareSquare 6221 Brush St. Detroit, Mi  I ran into my brother James at the elevators.


Bible-study-love (Photo credit: marynbtol)

James and I met in Bible Study 2 weeks ago…along with three other Piquette Square tenants.

He asked me was I coming to Bible Study?…I told him flat-out NO I was going Dancing…so as you can see…so what should I do??… while  I walked and thought my 5 minute walk home from Mel Salon & Associate’s.

I arrived at the Square safe and sound…when really you think… what could go wrong? Up the elevator and closing my square room door my mind was made up to stay home and Blog .

I had it all figure out; if I went dancing I’ll sweat my press n curl and I didn’t want that I’ve become fund of my new  Style.de2

computer-125x125-2So I set at my desk and started my blogging …just then over the intercom; “attention Piquette Square “, Bible Study 6:00 pm, as I went to the  to open to hear someone must have had slipped an envelope under my door…it was at thank You card compliments of Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW National President Sissy Borel and the Department of Michigan Ladies auxiliary to the VFW thanking me for my volunteering at The Annual Patriot Day Observance here at Piquette

The card, really touch my heart that they would put it on their hearts to care for me. It’s been a while since someone care for me in such a way…I quess reason being I haven’t volunteered anything lately and now this card is worth its weight in gold and silver dust of Joy inside  of me I’m during the best to express how I felt …it just feels good to know.

My first heart of thought; was to sit back down and write a beautiful Blog to The Ladies, expressing my heart in joy.

Now what should I do? I tell you what I did in a  hurry and  went ran down stairs  to Bible Study held in the Conference Room.

My Square analysis: Life is good, Jesus came to give us more of Life and  more Abundantly. Even through everything I wanted to do was something positive and added value to my Life; I had so much going on and I didn’t know watch way to go… or  turn.

Peace be still is what I heard and I stopped the world to learn more His word and Purpose.

Glade God Knows which way He wants me to go…it makes Life so much easy to manage when God Knows.life1

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